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Essential Portuguese Vocabulary for the Human Body
Building a foundation in basic Portuguese vocabulary is key to navigating everyday situations. This word list focuses on essential terms related to the human body. Here we go.
Head: Cabeça
- Hair: Cabelo
- Face: Face
- Forehead: Testa
- Eyes: Olhos
- Eye brows: Sobrancelhas
- Eyelashes: Pestanas
- Nose: Nariz
- Mouth: Boca
- Lips: Lábios
- Teeth: Dentes
- Tongue: Língua
- Chin: Queixo
- Ears: Orelhas
- Neck: Pescoço
Torso: Tronco
- Shoulders: Ombros
- Chest: Peito
- Back: Costas
- Belly: Barriga
- Waist: cinta
- Navel: Umbigo
- Arm: Braço
- Elbow: Cotovelo
- Wrist: Pulso
- Hand: Mão
- Fingers: Dedos
- Fingernails: Unhas
Lower limbs: Membros inferiores
- Hip: Anca
- Butt: Rabo
- Genitals: Genitais
- Leg: Perna
- Knee: Joelho
- Ankle: Tornozelo
- Foot: Pé
- Toes: Dedos do pé
Organs: Órgãos
- Skin: Pele
- Brain: Cérebro
- Heart: Coração
- Lungs: Pulmões
- Liver: Fígado
- Stomach: Estômago
- Intestine: Intestino
- Blood: Sangue
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