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Future Tense in Portuguese

In Portuguese, as in English, the Future tense is normally used to refer to actions that haven’t yet taken place. 

In what follows, I will walk you through the Portuguese equivalents of a few variations of the English future tense (I will lay them out according to English grammar terminology). Read on.

Lesson #60 Future - Portuguesepedia

Here are a couple of analogous reads about the Portuguese Present and Past tenses:
Portuguese Past Tenses – Usage Rundown Anchored to English
Portuguese Present Tenses – Usage Rundown Anchored to English


I’m using the verb pensar (think) for the usage examples below. Here’s what it looks like when conjugated in the Portuguese Future Simple tense (Futuro):

Pensar | Future Simple
Ele, elapensará
Eles, elas

It is worth noticing that the Portuguese equivalent of the Future Simple tense has a conjugation pattern that encompasses almost all verbs (three exceptions only). In the table above, you will see all regular endings bolded out. 

To conjugate the Portuguese Future Simple tense, take the infinitive form of any verb (that will make the stem) and add those endings to it. It’s as simple as that.

Here are the three exceptions I’ve mentioned above (the endings are the same but the stem doesn’t correspond to the infinitive form):

Fazer DizerTrazer
Ele, elafarádirátrará
Eles, elas

Future Simple

Here’s an example with the Portuguese Future Simple tense (Futuro)

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Olá! I'm Pedro and I'm your Portuguese teacher.

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