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There’s something insidious about studying grammar. It may give us an illusory sense of progress and control as we analyze our target language and make sense of the rules that govern it. Yet, learning habits that rely too heavily on grammar may do more harm than good.

See, too much emphasis on grammar makes us overly self-conscious and worried about grammar correctness. We easily get caught up in our minds grammar-checking everything as we try to string words together into sentences. This leads to an overworked brain that will prevent us from speaking more fluently.

Becoming fluent in a foreign language entails more than just mastering a set of abstract rules. We need to allow the language to sink deeper into us and that’s where in-context learning materials like stories come into play.





When we read stories we are also learning grammar! Not in the conventional sense though. Instead, we are effortlessly assimilating syntactic structures that govern our target language. The more we do it, the deeper these structures will sink in us.





然而,直接跳入何塞·薩拉馬戈(José Saramago)或克拉麗斯·李斯佩克特(Clarice Lispector)等作家的複雜作品可能不是最現實和可持續的開始方式。相反,尋找專門為語言學習者設計的資源。

這些資源通常按 CEFR框架,反映了不同的熟練程度。作為初學者,選擇章節短、句子簡單、段落清晰的A1-A2級別的書籍。隨著您的語言技能的發展,請選擇 A2-B1 範圍內的材料。等等。



換句話說,透過閱讀進行有效的語言學習需要找到野心和享受之間的最佳平衡。 CEFR 分級將協助您找到適合您目前等級的材料。

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Olá! I'm Pedro and I'm your Portuguese teacher.

Learning European Portuguese? Portuguesepedia is an all-in-one platform providing a wealth of learning resources, from bite-sized video lessons to immersive idiomatic dips. Perfect your pronunciation and listening comprehension with listening drills and solidify your grammar with in-depth articles. Start your Portuguese journey today!

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