Install Portuguesepedia’s WebApp directly from your browser. Here are the instructions for different devices:

Android Devices

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to
  2. Menu: Tap the menu (three dots) in the top-right corner.
  3. Add: Select "Add to Home screen."
  4. Confirm: Tap "Add."
  5. Access: Find Portuguesepedia on your home screen.

Similar steps apply to Firefox and Microsoft Edge web browsers.

iOS Devices

Using Safari:

  1. Open Safari and visit
  2. Share: Tap the "Share" button (square with an arrow).
  3. Add: Scroll down and tap "Add to Home Screen."
  4. Name: Edit the name if desired, then tap "Add."
  5. Access: Find Portuguesepedia on your home screen.

Using Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to
  2. Menu: Tap the menu (three dots) in the top-right corner.
  3. Add: Select "Add to Home screen."
  4. Confirm: Tap "Add."
  5. Access: Find Portuguesepedia on your home screen.

Windows Devices

Using Edge:

  1. Open Edge and visit
  2. Install: Click the "Install" icon in the address bar or go to the menu (three dots) > "Apps" > "Install this site as an app."
  3. Confirm: Click "Install."
  4. Access: Find Portuguesepedia in your Start Menu or Desktop.

Using Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to
  2. Menu: Click the menu (three dots) in the top-right corner.
  3. Install: Select "Install [Portuguesepedia]."
  4. Confirm: Follow the prompts.

macOS Devices

Using Safari:

  1. Open Safari and go to
  2. Add: Click the "Share" button > "Add to Home Screen."
  3. Name: Edit the name if desired, then tap "Add."

Using Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and visit
  2. Menu: Click the menu (three dots) in the top-right corner.
  3. Install: Select "Install [Portuguesepedia]."
  4. Confirm: Follow the prompts.
  5. Access: Find Portuguesepedia in your Applications folder.

Linux Devices

Using Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Menu: Click the menu (three dots) in the top-right corner.
  3. Install: Select "Install [Portuguesepedia]."
  4. Confirm: Follow the prompts.
  5. Access: Find Portuguesepedia in your app launcher.

Using Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox and navigate to
  2. Menu: Click the menu (three lines) in the top-right corner.
  3. Add: Select "Add to Home screen."
  4. Confirm: Click "Add."

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葡萄牙語在全球有超過 2.6 億使用者,是世界上使用人數最多的語言之一。無論是計劃前往葡萄牙或任何其他葡萄牙語國家旅行,還是只是學習一門新語言,以下課程將幫助您走上實現目標的軌道。

All-round Beginners

All-round Beginners A1 是一門綜合課程,旨在引導您完成學習旅程的關鍵早期階段。它為 A1* 等級奠定了堅實的基礎,為您進一步的進步做好了準備。

發現更多關於 All-round Beginners A1.

*A1 是根據 CEFR 等級劃分的 6 個語言能力級別之一。學習更多關於 CEFR 水平.

Portuguese Sounds

Portuguese Sounds 是一門適合初學者和中級學習者的歐洲葡萄牙語發音深入課程。認識到發音在語言學習中的重要性,本課程無疑將幫助您提高發音並增強口語的信心。

學習更多關於 Portuguese Sounds.

The BIG 5

The BIG 5 是以介係詞為主的必修課程。本課程專為各個程度的學習者設計,深入探討歐洲葡萄牙語介詞的用法和細微差別。無論您是希望打下堅實語法基礎的初學者,還是旨在提高技能的高級學習者,本課程都將提高您的葡萄牙語流利性和準確性。

學習更多關於 The BIG 5.

在這篇文章中,我列出了 3 個針對初學者的歐洲葡萄牙語線上課程,除此之外,這些課程都值得投資。要為葡萄牙語學習者發現更多資源,請閱讀本文: 在線學習葡萄牙語 - 適合初學者及以上的最佳資源.

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Learning European Portuguese? Portuguesepedia offers engaging learning materials to keep your motivation high and help you move toward fluency. I'm Pedro and I'm creating it all for you! Até já, p

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