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Want to Learn European Portuguese? Dive into These Online Resources!





在 Portuguesepedia,我们提供各种引人入胜的资源,供 负担得起的订阅。以下是 Portuguesepedia 所提供内容的摘要:

  • Idiomatic Dips:简短而有趣的视频课程帮助您掌握日常葡萄牙语表达。
  • 听力练习: 丰富的音频片段可增强您的葡萄牙语听力技巧和词汇量。
  • 视频课程: 重点课程帮助您打下扎实的葡萄牙语语法和发音基础。
  • 文章: 深入的语法、发音技巧和学习技巧——这些读物将为您的葡萄牙语之旅增添力量。
  • Audiobooks:通过引人入胜的阅读让自己沉浸在葡萄牙语中,同时提高您的阅读和听力理解能力、发音和对自然葡萄牙语的感受。


Duolingo 让你入门了,但你渴望真正的对话?教科书和应用程序只能带你走这么远……

如果你想将你的葡萄牙语会话技能提升到一个新的水平,请考虑 与专门的导师一起练习. ItalkiVerbling 是一些在线资源的例子,它们可以将你与合格的葡萄牙语导师联系起来,以帮助你达到流利的葡萄牙语水平。

此外,考虑寻找语言交换伙伴来磨练你的口语技能。 TandemHelloTalk 是一些在线平台的例子,它们将帮助您与葡萄牙语母语人士建立联系,建立双赢的语言交流伙伴关系。



  • Vou ali e já venho:简短的播客将带您走遍葡萄牙的各个角落,向您展示其文化和传统。每集将介绍一个特定的名胜古迹。
  • O amor é …:有关社会、家庭和一般人际关系的对话播客。 
  • Governo Sombra:每周一次有关葡萄牙时事的播客。
  • Quinta essência:有关艺术、建筑、历史、科学和音乐等方面的对话。 

此外,如果您喜欢听音乐,那么您应该听葡萄牙语广播。我推荐以下广播频道: Antena 1, TSF, 和 Rádio Observador


Drops: Flashcard app designed to improve your vocab retention rate. It is the only quality spaced-repetition app (that I am aware of).

Reverso context | Linguee | Glosbe: These are all similar tools you can use to translate short sentences or single words. They give you contextualized usage examples and different ways of using the same expression.

DeepL: 与谷歌翻译类似,该应用更适合欧洲葡萄牙语。

Infopedia: a Portuguese-Portuguese online dictionary and verb conjugator! Write any verb in the lookup box and click on the Conjugação-button.

50 languages phrasebook: An online phrasebook covering several everyday life situations.  

Get my guide "Key Strategies to Learn Portuguese" for FREE.

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Olá! I'm Pedro and I'm your Portuguese teacher.

Ready to unlock the beauty of European Portuguese? Portuguesepedia is your key! This all-in-one platform provides a wealth of learning resources, from bite-sized video lessons to immersive idiomatic dips. Perfect your pronunciation and aural comprehension with listening drills and solidify your grammar with in-depth articles. Start your Portuguese journey today!

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