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葡萄牙语礼貌用语 – Desculpa vs. Com licença vs. Por Favor

Many Portuguese language learners struggle to discern between expressions such as Desculpa, Com licença, 或者 Por favor. These are so-called “politeness” expressions and, as their name implies, help you sound more polite. It is therefore important that you understand and use them well. Read on.


Desculpa in Portuguese can mean “sorry” or “excuse me” depending on the context. Sure enough, when we mean one or the other, our tone of voice changes accordingly.



Desculpa! Não foi por querer.


Desculpa, sabes que horas são?
Excuse me, do you have the time?

Desculpa vs. Desculpe

Sometimes you hear Desculpa, 有时 Desculpe. The difference is that the former is informal (tu) while the latter is formal (você).

Perdão = Desculpe

Perdão means the same as Desculpe and can also be used as “sorry” or “excuse me”. If anything, Perdão sounds more old-fashioned and perhaps a little more ceremonial. (This might be subjective though.)

Com licença

Com licença 意思是“对不起”,就像 Desculpe (正式的)。让我们看几个例子:

Com licença, posso passar?

Com licença, posso entrar?

Por favor

Por favor 意思是“请”。我们说 Por favor mainly in two situations – when being polite or begging for something.


Um café, por favor.

Entre, por favor.

Por favor = (Se) faz favor

Se faz favor (oftentimes we drop that se 在开头)是一个变体 Por favor。两者都很常见并且可以互换:

Um café, por favor. = Um café, faz favor.

Now, when someone is delivering or bringing something to you (e.g. a waiter at the coffee shop), they might say Faz favor 正如“你就这样”:

Faz favor, aqui está o seu café.


另一个 Por favor 当你乞求某物时:

Por favor, não faça isso.

请注意,在这种情况下,您仅使用 Por favor (永不 Se faz favor)

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