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Verbes délicats en portugais : Sabre vs Conseguir vs Poder vs Conhecer

Many learners of Portuguese who rely on English as a reference point struggle with these verbs: Saber, Conseguir, Poder, et Conhecer. Why? Because a single English verb, “can,” can have any of the abovementioned Portuguese counterparts depending on the context. Similarly, “know” in English might translate to either Saber or Conhecer in Portuguese.

In other words, Portuguese has more nuanced verbs for these concepts than English, making them trickier to master. But fear not! This guide will provide contextual clues to help you choose the right verb.

Keep in mind that these distinctions can be subtle, and sometimes these verbs are even interchangeable. This explanation simplifies what can be more complex usage patterns.

To make things clear and easy to follow, we’ll use a single conversation to illustrate these verb differences. Let’s dive in!

Lesson #67 saber conseguir poder - Portuguesepedia
Lesson #68 Saber vs Conhecer - Portuguesepedia

Saber vs. Conseguir vs. Poder / Can En anglais

Quand en anglais nous utilisons Can, en portugais, cela pourrait être soit Saber, Conseguir or Poder.

Saber – Compétences et savoir-faire

Nous utilisons Saber pour parler de compétences en général :

Joel: Sabes tocar guitarra?
Tiago: Sim, sei (tocar guitarra).
Joel: Can you play guitar? (Do you know how to play guitar?)
Tiago: Yeah, I can play guitar. (Yeah, I know how to play guitar.)

Certes, le plus souvent, dans ce genre de situation, nous laissons de côté notre auxiliaire Saber:

Joel: Tocas guitarra? 
Tiago:  Sim, toco (guitarra). 
Joel: Do you play guitar?
Tiago: Yes, I do.

Conseguir - Réalisation

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Learning European Portuguese? Portuguesepedia offers engaging learning materials to keep your motivation high and help you move toward fluency. I'm Pedro and I'm creating it all for you! Até já, p

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