1. Listen without the transcript

Start listening without the transcript (the transcript auto-scroll window is hidden by default). Aim to listen a couple of times through. If the audio is far beyond your current level and you struggle to understand it, consider reading the English translation first (click the tab below the player). This will give you a general idea of the content. Then, go back and listen to the audio again.

You can also use the audio to work on your pronunciation. Put meaning aside and concentrate solely on the sounds. Shadow the speaker, mimicking their sounds, rhythm, and intonation as closely as possible. If you encounter sounds that trip you up, pause and work on mastering them. As you try to replicate the sounds, pay close attention to how your mouth moves – your lips, jaw, and tongue. The more aware you become of these physical movements, the easier it will be to produce the sounds correctly.

2. Turn on the transcript auto-scroll

Now with the text in front of you, you can fill in the gaps. Don’t rush to look up new words in the dictionary or look inside the English translation. Instead, try to figure out their meaning from the context as this leads to better word retention. On the other hand, use the English translation to help you figure out idiomatic expressions.

Pro tip! In the transcript auto-scroll window, tap or click any line of text to skip the audio to that point.

3. Listen one last time without the transcript

Take a short break before this final step. Listen to the audio one final time. Everything should sound clearer now. Don’t forget to celebrate the progress you’ve just made. Parabéns!